
This is a relatively new topic and it is important to share what is available. PBA’s work in this field includes:

The Start Network case study series:

” These 3 case studies have been extremely helpful to actually grasp the evolving dynamic in much greater insightful detail, and saves a lot of time trying to make sense of this important programme of work. They make for fascinating reading – of a fascinating experiment.”

Dealing with Paradox – stories and lessons from the first three years of Consortium-building

This case study tells the story of the consortium (formerly the Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies) from its earliest moments through a highly successful period of ‘joined up’ aid followed by a funding crisis and how the group subsequently worked to build (and re-brand) the collaboration into a bold new global venture. Dealing with Paradox

Power & Politics: The Consortium-building Story Continues

This is the second in the series capturing the story of the Start Network. It explores the successes and challenges faced by the Consortium’s members and donors in trying to develop a non-traditional, complex collaborative model. Power & Politics

Realities Behind the Rhetoric: Exploring what it takes to Realise the Vision

The third and most recent case study captures the continuing story from those at the heart of the delivery of Start (the staff team) as well as those on the operational fringes but on the experimental front line (the advisors). It was been written collectively – all PBA did was to try and provide a framework and a connecting narrative to make it accessible and useful to others working to make multi-stakeholder consortia, coalitions or networks effective. Realities Behind The Rhetoric

Other publications:

Serafin, R., & Tennyson,R., DONORS WORKING TOGETHER: The Story of the Global Alliance for Community Philanthropy to follow

Tennyson, R., Animating Alliances: What does it take to make these forms of multi-stakeholder collaboration efficient, effective and transformational?

Do you have published research
/ case studies to share?